Author Topic: Albuterol and Clen  (Read 10420 times)

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Offline nix

  • Domacin foruma
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Albuterol and Clen
« on: February 20, 2008, 10:01:16 PM »
Poznato mi je da salbutamol ima veoma slicno djelovanje kao i clen samo krace ali citajuci o njemu naletio sam na par mjesta na izjave da on osim sto topi salo ima neka anabolicka dejstva

Ono sto me interesuje posto za 1-2 meseca pocinjem raditi na defki pa se dvoumim izmedju clena i albuterola ja dali ga je ko koristio a da je koristio nakada i klen i dali je klen jaci
Ja sam mislio da idem sa klenom i T3 ali ako je bolja opcija albuterol....

Malo da ozivimo i ovaj dio foruma :evillaugh:

Offline sele137

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Odg: Albuterol and Clen
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 10:36:50 PM »
Clen je jaci i uvijek je bio najaci i ko god ti kaze da je arbuterol jaci je budala :evillaugh:

Sto li 99% bildera koristi clen,a ne ...?

Clen nema anabolickih svojstava to je suplja koju su bilderi modifikovali za svoje potrebe tj. ima studija koji pokazuju blaga anabolicka svojstva ali su radene na zivotinjama i sa dozama koje bi ubile covjeka.

Zbog cega uopste mislis da tebi treba clen a pogotovo t3?

Mislis da je na tvom nivou razvoja/definicije ovo neophodno?

Zar nije lakse zdravije i efikasnije bazirati se samo na dijeti?

Zasto nebi koristio ovo sve kad htjednes stati na binu ili dodjes u takvu formu da dalje nemoze bez toga.

Iz iskustva...pravilna dijeta i varijacije u treningu je punoooooooooo efikasnija od bilo kojeg sagorijevaca na svijetu i kombinacije taman koristio dnp,t3,clen,efedrin i helios u isto vrijeme.

Zasto uopste planiras od pocetka definicije odmah uzimati sve ovo?
Zar nije bolje da prvo izvuces maximum varijacijama u treningu ishrani kardio treningu pa tek onda kad se dovedes dotle da nemoze dalje uzmes hemiju.

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline nix

  • Domacin foruma
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Odg: Albuterol and Clen
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2008, 09:47:31 AM »
Pa jbg meni da je da kad pocnem sa defkom da sto prije do nje i dodjem pa sam zato mislio uzimati od pocetka clen i T3

Sto se tice ishrane radio bih neke varijecije sa UH a u vezi treninga samo bi ubacio malo vise kardia(2 puta sedmicno obican kardio i 3 puta hiit)

Sta mislis jeli bolje da radim varijacije sa UH ili ima i boljih (prvi put radim na defki)

Offline sele137

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Odg: Albuterol and Clen
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2008, 11:52:27 AM »
Uvijek je bolje hemiju (mislim na sagorijevace) ukljuciti kad sve ostalo zapne jer i ovako sa hemijom ces ubrzo doci do zastoja i sta ces onda uzeti?

Trebas raditi sve postepeno tako i sa UH.Prvo ih samo smanji kolicinski.Recimo sedmicu 200gr pa sedmicu 100 pa sedmicu 50.Kad dodje do zastoja radi varijacije sa UH.
Isto tako i kardio.Pocni sa obicnim kardio treninzima i postepeno povecavaj minutazu.Kada i tu dodje do zastoja predi na HIT.

Dakle poenta je da svaku pojedinacnu stavku  iskoristis do maksimuma i ostanes na tom maximumu pa tek onda eventualno ubacis sagorijevace kad sve zapne.

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline nix

  • Domacin foruma
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Odg: Albuterol and Clen
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2008, 09:42:23 PM »
To sto si mi napisao za UH da postepeno smanjujem kad budem radio defku dali treba to stvarno da radim ili si to rekao samo inako figurativno....ja mislio da odma pocnem sa varijacijama
U svakom slucaju hvala za inf. oko albuterola i clena ....znaci definitivno clen

PS:Kad dodje vreme za to otvoricu temu sa svojom ishranom i treningom....sad me malo sramota da napisem sta sve jedem i koliko ali ipak radim masu

Offline sele137

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Odg: Albuterol and Clen
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2008, 10:22:56 PM »
Kao sto sam rekao moras iskoristiti sve stadijume kad ides na definiciju.
Tjelo ce reagovati smanjenjem sala samim spustanjem kolicine UH a tek kad to zapne ides sa varijacijama itd.

Isto tako doziras i trening i kardio i suplemente i hemiju i onda ce tijelo sagorijevati salo non-stop i nece doci do zastoja.


5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline nix

  • Domacin foruma
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Odg: Albuterol and Clen
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2008, 10:36:06 AM »
Ali ja sam planiro da za 2 mjeseca zavrsim defu jer dok idem u skolu tesko da mogu voditi racuna o UH....probacu mesec ovako kao sto ti kazes pa onda mesec sa hemijom....ako ne upali uvijek mi ostaje DNP ;)

Kada dodje vreme za to otvoricu temu sa dnevnikom treninga i ishrane

Offline Kano

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Odg: Albuterol and Clen
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2008, 12:16:13 PM »
.ako ne upali uvijek mi ostaje DNP ;)

Ja dnp ne bih pominjao ni sa smajlijem posle, ipak znamo sta je to...

Clen ima nuspojave kao npr. rast srcanog misica(?!) posle vecih doza i duzeg vremena, ubrzano kucanje srca, tresu ti se ruke itd. Ako se neces takmiciti koji ce ti, i bf od 6% se moze imati 100 dana u godini bez icega.. ako zelis da se takmicis to je onda druga stvar..
Insulin has been called "Anabolicus Maximus" by some gurus of the bodybuilding world. Insulin can give you greater gains than you have ever had using anabolics alone. Insulin, in combination with androgens and resistance exercise, may trigger maturation of satellite muscle cells (small, more or less useless cells that are held in reserve, which do not contribute to muscular strength) into mature muscle cells that do contribute to muscular size and strength. How freakin cool is that.

Offline sele137

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Odg: Albuterol and Clen
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2008, 01:46:43 PM »
Mozda mozes imati BF 6% natural ali samo ako imas 70-tak KG na nekih 175cm-180 ili ako si radnik na gradevini koji i onako ima ubrzan metabolizam.

Postoji dosta ljudi sa 6% i nize ali nelice na nista zato sto su jednostavno premrsavi.

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline Kano

  • ExYu sampion-JUNIOR
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Odg: Albuterol and Clen
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2008, 02:09:55 PM »
Mozda mozes imati BF 6% natural ali samo ako imas 70-tak KG na nekih 175cm-180 ili ako si radnik na gradevini koji i onako ima ubrzan metabolizam.

Postoji dosta ljudi sa 6% i nize ali nelice na nista zato sto su jednostavno premrsavi.

Uvijek imas izrode :) Moj dobar drugar, znam da nije bio na hemiji, 190 cm 90 kg. Odrzavao je od marta do septembra takvu formu, ali je trosio bruku novca i vremena na to... i zivio je na low carb, kada je povecao uh buknuo je za sedam dana:

Insulin has been called "Anabolicus Maximus" by some gurus of the bodybuilding world. Insulin can give you greater gains than you have ever had using anabolics alone. Insulin, in combination with androgens and resistance exercise, may trigger maturation of satellite muscle cells (small, more or less useless cells that are held in reserve, which do not contribute to muscular strength) into mature muscle cells that do contribute to muscular size and strength. How freakin cool is that.