Author Topic: SOJA!!!!  (Read 66147 times)

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Offline dushe

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Odg: SOJA!!!!
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2007, 06:40:48 PM »
Pedja,odlicna tema.

Jednom,kad budem imala vremena kopirat cu sa sajta tekst o sojici.
Ja licno nisam primjetila bilo kakve nedostatke,iako je koristim vec dugo godina.Doduse,mi ne jedemo soju iz dana u dan,ali je koristimo.Takodjer koristimo i tofu,i seitan.
Danas ima jako puno proizvoda od soje.
Ne bih hranu nazvala smecem.

Mislim Pedja,ja shvatam sta ti zelis reci.
Moj muz i ja smo se opredjelili  za vegetarijanstvo jos davnih godina.Vishe nam odgovara,zdraviji smo.
Tako to utice na nas,razumijes.
Ni u cemu ne valja pretjerivati,tako ni u soji.
Jednom si mi ,jos u startu rekao,da su mi se upravo zbog toga nagomilale kg,sto je,i sam ces priznati ,neistina.
Prije trudnoce,sam bila izuzetno vitka,zategnuta,sa dobrim misicima na tijelu.
Ima puno vishe osoba koje jedu meso,pa su debele,punije.
Stvar je samo,koliko zelimo vidjeti istinu.
U tom bi slucaju moj muz,kao i moja djeca,trebali biti debeli.

Evo,recimo u mom okruzenju,svi imaju problema sa holesterolom i uopste,mi takvih problema nemamo.

Odlicno Lazicu,odlican tekst!

Svako ima prava na izbor,jel da.
Ja shvatam sta zelis reci.
Zasto smo  mi vegetarijanci?Zato sto se tako bolje osjecamo.

To je nas slucaj,i u druge ne zalazim.
Ne ulazim u tudje zivote. :respect:

Offline dushe

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« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2007, 06:45:47 PM »
Ok Pedja,sta ne razumijes,da razjasnim? :yes:
Nije uradio hormonalne nalaze,jer nije osjecao potrebu.
Sta treba osjecati ?Cim to pominjes,znaci da znas o cemu pricas.

Dalje,mi nismo u norveskoj,vec u finskoj.
Uradio je besplatno nalaze,preko firme :yes:.

Ne bih se htjela svadjati,ti i ja smo vec puno puta naceli ovu temu,i samo cemo jednom ugovoriti sparing:)
Al da se MM bori :lol:

Offline dushe

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« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2007, 07:50:52 PM »
Pedja,malo sam se nashalila.
Ja se ne svadjam,sasvim normalno "razgovaramo"  ;)
Razumijem te sta ti zelis reci.I to postujem.
Oduvjek postujem tudje misljenje.
Ja smao govorim o svom iskustvu.

Nisam primjetila da moj muz ima problema na kozi :shocking:,ima cistu i lijepu kozu.Meku,zategnutu.On je inace atletski gradjen :yes:.
Mozda bi trebao uraditi neke nalaze,to nije problem.Samo se treba naruciti.Zasto ne?To je dobro svima uraditi.

Evo ti jedan sajt,i tu mozes malo procitati http://www.coolinarika.com/namirnica/soja ,ukoliko krsim pravila foruma,te postavljam (reklamiram)sajt,ja se izvinjavam,mod/admin neka izbrise.Jos jednom se izvinjavam.

Dakle,Pedja,ni u jednoj sekundi nemoj pomisliti da se svadjam.Mi razgovaramo.
Volim cuti misljenja. :respect:

Offline dushe

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« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2007, 08:30:17 AM »
 :shocking: Nema to moj muz Pedja.
Gore si pomenuo i kozu,ili sam ja krivo shvatila.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 08:43:37 AM by Tikica »

Offline Deni

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Odg: SOJA!!!!
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2007, 04:34:16 PM »
Pored svih tackica koje stoje u Pedjinim postovima, nisam uspela da ispratim diskusiju do kraja. No, ...

Iskreno, kao sto ne volim da cujem agresivne vegetarijance koji mi na milion razlicitih nacina obrazlazu zasto ne bih smela da jedem meso, na identican nacin ne volim da cujem ni one koji imaju agresivan pristup prema takvom nacinu ishrane. Svi imamo pravo da jedemo sta zelimo i imamo pravo da svoj zivot vodimo na nacin na koji mislimo da je odgovarajuci. Sada, da li je meso potrebno? Verujem da jeste. Da li je neophodno? Verujem da ukoliko nadjemo nacin da zivimo bez njega, mozemo sasvim lepo da ga organizujemo.

Sto se mog misljenja o soji tice. Hmm, nisam neki poseban ljubitelj soje, ali mi se jaaako svidja sojino mleko. I presla sam na njega kada sam se pridruzila ovo sajtu. Ukusnije je, ima poseban smek i mnogo vise mi se dopada nego mleko sa o% MM.

Offline herkules

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Odg: SOJA!!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2007, 11:00:36 PM »
In this category, most are sources of incomplete proteins, but there are a few exceptions. The obvious one is soy protein; lesser known is hemp protein.

Soy Protein Powders Soy protein is a complete protein yielding all nine essential amino acids. It is produced using defatted soy flakes that go through a water or alcohol extraction process to remove the carbs. The flakes are then dried and ground. The resultant soy protein is rich in glutamine and arginine, and it is digested and absorbed quickly. It also provides antioxidant effects and a multitude of health benefits. This makes it a good protein to use before and after workouts.

Many bodybuilders fear soy protein due to the fact that soy contains high amounts of isoflavones that impart estrogenlike effects in the body. They worry that the isoflavones would compete with the anabolic effects of testosterone. However, research on soy in bodybuilders should allay those fears. When male bodybuilders consumed a soy protein shake twice a day for 12 weeks, they gained an equal amount of muscle mass as those consuming a whey protein shake twice a day. Plus, the soy protein had no effects on their testosterone or estrogen levels. Soy protein is listed as follows on ingredients labels. n Soy concentrate (SC) SC is usually about 70% protein, with the rest being carbs and fat. It can cause gas in some people due to the indigestible carbs it often contains. n Soy isolate (SI) SI is made from soy concentrate that is further processed to remove most of the fat, carbs and gas-producing factors to provide a protein that is higher than 90% protein.

Hemp Protein Powder Most hemp protein powders are about 50% protein. The protein in hemp is complete, and it comprises mainly edestin (about 65% of hemp protein) and albumin (about 35%). Hemp protein is manufactured from hemp seeds that are cold pressed to extract the oil. The pressed hemp meal is then cold milled to separate the protein. Hemp protein is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), arginine, essential fatty acids (EFAs) and fiber. Due to the fat and fiber content, this protein is good to take before bedtime and between meals.


Offline Pedja Petrovic

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Odg: SOJA!!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2007, 05:38:33 AM »
In this category, most are sources of incomplete proteins, but there are a few exceptions. The obvious one is soy protein; lesser known is hemp protein.

Soy Protein Powders Soy protein is a complete protein yielding all nine essential amino acids. It is produced using defatted soy flakes that go through a water or alcohol extraction process to remove the carbs. The flakes are then dried and ground. The resultant soy protein is rich in glutamine and arginine, and it is digested and absorbed quickly. It also provides antioxidant effects and a multitude of health benefits. This makes it a good protein to use before and after workouts.

Many bodybuilders fear soy protein due to the fact that soy contains high amounts of isoflavones that impart estrogenlike effects in the body. They worry that the isoflavones would compete with the anabolic effects of testosterone. However, research on soy in bodybuilders should allay those fears. When male bodybuilders consumed a soy protein shake twice a day for 12 weeks, they gained an equal amount of muscle mass as those consuming a whey protein shake twice a day. Plus, the soy protein had no effects on their testosterone or estrogen levels. Soy protein is listed as follows on ingredients labels. n Soy concentrate (SC) SC is usually about 70% protein, with the rest being carbs and fat. It can cause gas in some people due to the indigestible carbs it often contains. n Soy isolate (SI) SI is made from soy concentrate that is further processed to remove most of the fat, carbs and gas-producing factors to provide a protein that is higher than 90% protein.

Hemp Protein Powder Most hemp protein powders are about 50% protein. The protein in hemp is complete, and it comprises mainly edestin (about 65% of hemp protein) and albumin (about 35%). Hemp protein is manufactured from hemp seeds that are cold pressed to extract the oil. The pressed hemp meal is then cold milled to separate the protein. Hemp protein is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), arginine, essential fatty acids (EFAs) and fiber. Due to the fat and fiber content, this protein is good to take before bedtime and between meals.



moram da se ukljicim,,,,nisam hteo..

priajteljui....uz svo duzno postovanje prema tebi...

ali ovja text je toliko smesan...da ne pricam o datumu kada je to izaslo....da je to stvarno zalosno....

mi smo ovde rasprvljali o soji kao namrinici koliko je losa..a jeste..

a o koncentrima soje.....joooj...pa to necu ni da pricam staje to sve

ponavljam..uz duzan respect.....

Offline herkules

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Odg: SOJA!!!!
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2007, 07:37:48 AM »
Nema nikakvnih problema za tvoj komentar, forum je za raspravu. A tekst je nesto sto sam hteo da bude kao informacija. Ako je smesan, onda je sve ostalo smesno. Jer je skinuto sa jednog sajta (izvor soji ispod) gde pored ove postoje i informacije o ostalim proteinskim izvorima. Moze da se vidi i redosled, broj 4. Ispred su jos neke, a i iza plus neke od proteinskih izvora. Datum, ...pa to jos stoi na sajtu.
Ako sam pogresio temu, soja kao ishrana i sojini koncentrovani proteinski praskovi, OK.
Ali, ovo je nesto sto je dostupno svima, pored informacije o ostale proteinske izvora.

Offline Pedja Petrovic

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Odg: SOJA!!!!
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2007, 06:04:28 AM »
ma sve ok stari...

jako se dobro zna sta je felxonline i sta stoji iza toga....tako da........

Offline dushe

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« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2007, 08:51:23 PM »
Slabo mi ide engleski :nonono:.

Nisam primjetila da je soja,kao namirnica losa :shocking:.
Pedja,dali si malo procitao sajt koji sam ja postavila.Ima tamo i pozitivnih stvari od soji,ne samo negativne.

Pedja,dali se slazes sa mnom da je meso nezdravo?