Author Topic: Jaja?  (Read 19616 times)

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Offline sele137

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Odg: Jaja?
« Reply #50 on: January 30, 2009, 07:19:55 PM »
skoriscenost belanca tacnije proteina u belancu koji je na 100 grama belanceta oko 11 grama je 100%.

Ispravit cu vas kolega  :lol: BV (biological value/bioloska iskoristljivost ) bjelanceta je 88 ,a kompletnog jajeta 100!!!

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline mandapg

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Odg: Jaja?
« Reply #51 on: January 30, 2009, 08:03:59 PM »
Jaja, tacnije belanac jer pretpostavljam da razumes poentu zasto svi jedemo tilika jaja znaci je proteinski deo u ishrani. Od njega se ne dobija salo. Iskoriscenost belanca tacnije proteina u belancu koji je na 100 grama belanceta oko 11 grama je 100%. Sad cini mi se ti bi i da stisnes i da prdnes. Nisam siguran da to moze. Sve je receno tako da nemam sta vise da dodam.
Samo stavi jaja u serpu. Nalij vodom da ih voda prekrije. Dodaj malo soli ako su taze. Kad prokljuca voda u kojoj su jaja neka nastavi da kljuca jos 5 minuta. Skloni sa "vatre" ohladi i ljusti. hihihi  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :rolleyes01: :innocent:

ok,zahvaljujem . . .

Offline slobabob

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Odg: Jaja?
« Reply #52 on: February 01, 2009, 04:55:00 PM »
Ispravit cu vas kolega  :lol: BV (biological value/bioloska iskoristljivost ) bjelanceta je 88 ,a kompletnog jajeta 100!!!
Sorry man, mali previd. ;) Izmesase mi se belanca i zumanca. Na kraju necu vise znati sta trebam jesti  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: