Author Topic: Primjer pocetnickih ciklusa  (Read 57062 times)

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Offline sele137

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Odg: Primjer pocetnickih ciklusa
« Reply #40 on: February 04, 2008, 09:57:59 PM »
dali je moguce zamjeniti taj proviron sa nolvadexom i kolike bi bile te doze?

U pravom smislu rijeci proviron nije nikakva zamjena za nolvadex i nemaj isto djelovanje.
Dakle nolvadex je medicinski i na svaki drugi nacin DOKAZAN a proviron je manje vise baziran na predpostavkama.
Nazalost na balkanu se jos uvijek pouzdaju u proviron kao zastitu.

nolvadex blokira receptore pa i nije pozeljan da je bolji poviron za tu "propratnju" ciklusa?

Koje receptore blokira?  :rolleyes01:

Imas opciju ili da nosas po gradu kujine sise :evillaugh: ili da dobijes 0,009%  manje misica.
Na tebi je izbor!!!

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline just_in_time

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Odg: Primjer pocetnickih ciklusa
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2008, 06:53:51 AM »
U pravom smislu rijeci proviron nije nikakva zamjena za nolvadex i nemaj isto djelovanje.
Dakle nolvadex je medicinski i na svaki drugi nacin DOKAZAN a proviron je manje vise baziran na predpostavkama.
Nazalost na balkanu se jos uvijek pouzdaju u proviron kao zastitu.

Koje receptore blokira?  :rolleyes01:

Imas opciju ili da nosas po gradu kujine sise :evillaugh: ili da dobijes 0,009%  manje misica.
Na tebi je izbor!!!

u sto me stavi na tezak izbor  :lol: nego recimo da je nolvadex ko sto kazes proverena stvar... ako ovo malo zakljucim- bolje onda da se uzma tokom cjelog ciklusa po 10 mg svaki dan nego da reskiras sa "neproverenim" provironom pa da se pojave "zize"

Kad bi takvu "terapiju" sa nolvadexom izvodijo cjeli ciklus:
-od koje sedmice bi trebalo poceti sa tim 10mg/dnevno nolvadexa(u pitanju je test/e 500mg/sed)?
-koliko je to stresno za jetru?

Offline just_in_time

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Odg: Primjer pocetnickih ciklusa
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2008, 07:03:45 AM »
kolko je nolvadex ustvari štetan po zdravlje?

Offline sele137

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« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2008, 08:29:36 AM »
Hmmm nije recimo da je nolvadex provjerena stvar nego je zaista provjerena stvar.
Imas internet zivis u informatickom svjetu na svakom koraku je brdo informacija koje se podudaraju i koje imaju pokrice istrazi malo stvari nauci nesto!!!

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline just_in_time

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« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2008, 08:32:47 AM »
pa dobro i to što kažeš malo istraživanje nebi štetilo...  :wallbash1:

Offline just_in_time

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« Reply #45 on: February 05, 2008, 08:52:36 AM »
ma da kad mal razmisliš istraživanje je samo dijo priče ostalo je praksa. A gde bolje saznati praksu nego od korisnika

Offline unk

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Odg: Primjer pocetnickih ciklusa
« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2008, 08:54:32 AM »
Sto se tice kure DEPO+NAPOSIM+WINS....bacanje para ;)
uradio sam kuru od 12 nedelja [depo 250mg/nedeljno,naposim 30mg/dan i od 6e nedelje wins 50mg/dan] i dobio nesto malo mase....u celoj kuri najvise sto sam dobio je masna koza,dlake i bubuljice...
savet, od slabijih kura je dobro: deca+test [+naposim]
test 250-500mg
deca 200-400mg

za pocetnika extra...

Offline just_in_time

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Odg: Primjer pocetnickih ciklusa
« Reply #47 on: February 05, 2008, 09:23:11 AM »
Sto se tice kure DEPO+NAPOSIM+WINS....bacanje para ;)
uradio sam kuru od 12 nedelja [depo 250mg/nedeljno,naposim 30mg/dan i od 6e nedelje wins 50mg/dan] i dobio nesto malo mase....u celoj kuri najvise sto sam dobio je masna koza,dlake i bubuljice...
savet, od slabijih kura je dobro: deca+test [+naposim]
test 250-500mg
deca 200-400mg

za pocetnika extra...

pa to što kažeš je klasika nego ovaj nolvadex me interesuje...
govorimo hipotetički...
10 sedmica po 500mg test/e
nakon toga onaj klasični PCT
ali kad bi trebalo da se počne sa nolvadexom i sa kojim količinama da bi se propratijo ovaj ciklus?

Offline sele137

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Odg: Primjer pocetnickih ciklusa
« Reply #48 on: February 05, 2008, 11:03:10 AM »
Od pocetka 10mg ako osjetis simptome ginekomastije onda malo vise :evillaugh:

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline just_in_time

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Odg: Primjer pocetnickih ciklusa
« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2008, 12:25:20 PM »
Od pocetka 10mg ako osjetis simptome ginekomastije onda malo vise :evillaugh:

kratak i jasan odgovor... hvala  :clap: