Author Topic: Terapija poslije ciklusa - PCT  (Read 43943 times)

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Offline sele137

  • Ponosni vlasnik
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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa-PCT
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2009, 10:01:54 PM »
AAS: Post Cycle Therapy

Bodybuilders are athletes interested in building up musculature while minimizing body fat. Bodybuilding is a constant evolution through various stages of building and refining, overindulgence and restraint, intensity and moderation. The cessation of mass-building cycles using anabolic-androgenic steroids presents a vulnerable transition for a bodybuilder. Most importantly, his system’s natural androgen production must be quickly and efficiently resumed since administering AAS inhibits signals to produce anabolic hormones within the body. The changing of the guard, from exogenous back to endogenous androgens, can make or break the permanent nature of the acquired muscle mass. Proper post-cycle therapy is crucial.

Some preliminary attention must be paid before a steroid cycle begins. Six to 12 weeks before embarking on a drug-assisted cycle, metabolic issues associated with overeating should be cleared up. It’s best to address insulin insensitivity before muscle building even begins. Taking time to optimize metabolism and body composition beforehand helps ensure proper calorie partitioning during the cycle. Total body fat should present a reasonable fat-to-muscle ratio. Throughout periods of overfeeding, a lean body will be predisposed to build more muscle than fat. It’s also important to not be afraid to overeat during a mass-building cycle – the anabolic environment must be properly fueled for growth to be maximized. This is even more significant when administering AAS. Testosterone and its derivatives, administered to deliver supra physiological amounts of androgens, increases caloric requirements due to improved protein synthesis. Without the bricks and mortar, it doesn’t matter how many contractors you employ to build your house.

To effectively terminate a cycle, it’s necessary to look at the transition in its entirety. A holistic approach can ensure a pleasant return back to training natural. Post-cycle psychology, endocrinology, nutrition and training need to be properly adjusted to ensure a quick and successful recovery.

Post-cycle psychology

The psychological impact of coming off a profitable AAS-assisted muscle building phase is considerable. It’s helpful to build up a desire to come off. If the trainee actually spent several weeks – peddle to the medal – he should be ready to transition into a less intense period. The training and nutritional requirements to make impressive muscle gains using progressive overloads should make anyone look forward to a break in the routine. After accumulating some additional fat and water weight, leaning up a little should be a welcomed event. Frequent injections required to maintain even blood-androgen levels can get tiresome as well. Each phase of training – such as muscle building, fat burning, maintenance and detraining – should be viewed as a requirement to transition to another, in order to build a bodybuilder’s physique. Program variation in itself plays a crucial role in preventing overreaching in resistance training.

Post-cycle endocrinology

A week or two before an AAS cycle ends, the diet should begin restricting high-carbohydrate, high-sugar food choices. Taking the time to increase insulin insensitivity, developed from the previous period of over-eating, will make post-cycle therapy more effective. Insulin insensitivity and low testosterone levels predispose the body to accumulate adipose tissue – to get fat.

The most vulnerable period is after the final steroid fully metabolizes in the body. From that time on, the athlete is once again solely dependent on the hypothalamus signals for androgen secretion. High levels of AAS shut down the hypothalamus’s signals to produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Luteinizing hormone normally travels from the pituitary to the testes where it triggers the production of testosterone; without GnRH, the pituitary gland stops releasing LH. Without LH, the testes shut down their production of testosterone. Since administering AAS inhibits natural testosterone production, impairment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis must be quickly addressed – to quickly shift the anabolism-to-catabolism ratio back into the athlete’s favor.

Everything must be geared toward stimulating maximum endogenous testosterone production from the testes, as well as suppressing supra physiological levels of female sex steroids in the blood. Estrogen can build up to significantly high amounts depending on the particular steroid cycle; more specifically, how it interacts with the aromatase enzyme. Excessive estrogen will further delay recovery of the HPTA. A lot of bodybuilder’s do not realize that high levels of post cycle estrogen will keep them suppressed.

Ancillary drugs have long been used to support the post-cycle transition back to a natural environment; such as, Clomiphene (Clomid), Tamoxifen (Nolvadex), Anastrozole (Arimidex), and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). The exact post-cycle prescription is based on the steroid compounds used, the total hormone burden, and the how long the system was exposed to supra physiological plasma levels – drugs, dose and duration. The old method of tapering the steroid dose down only delays HPTA recovery and extends the cycle’s duration.

Clomid is a common anti-estrogen drug used after a steroid cycle. It is an effective estrogen antagonist in the hypothalamus. In a clinical setting, it is primarily used to help women ovulate (produce eggs for procreation) but has also been used to treat male infertility. Studies have demonstrated that insulin sensitivity increases Clomid’s effectiveness as a female fertility drug. Men coming off an anabolic steroid cycle should address issues with insulin resistance prior to beginning post-cycle therapy drugs.

Sexual abstinence is linked to increasing testosterone levels. The body perceives ejaculation – through intercourse or masturbation – as a major triumph! The act is vital for promoting the continued success of the species through procreation. Prolonged periods of no sexual interaction are easily rebutted by an increase in testosterone, to promote sexual aggressiveness. In 2003, researchers in China examined the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone levels in 28 men. On the seventh day of abstinence, serum testosterone levels peaked, reaching 145.7% above baseline. No further elevation was noticed after this climax, no pun intended.

In addition to the testes, the adrenal glands also pump a small amount of testosterone. Stimulating adrenalin rushes may also serve some post-cycle benefits – such as running brief sprints or drinking caffeinated beverages.

Post-cycle nutrition

It’s necessary to calculate the change in daily caloric requirements after gaining a greater amount of lean body mass. Insufficient food intake can promote low androgen production. If a trainee eats in a deficit, the body will strip metabolically expensive muscle mass. Human metabolism does not see accumulating massive amounts of muscle as a safe condition, from an evolutionary stand point. If the body notices a caloric deficit for too long – or inadequate rest for that matter – it will become more efficient by lowering metabolism. A great way to become more economical in energy consumption is by decreasing endogenous androgen production (leading to conditions like depression and decreased sexual interest). This sets the stage for several events that inevitably lead to muscle wasting.

Many dietary supplements can be invigorating and foster proper disposition. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids play a crucial role in the function of brain chemicals, particularly serotonin and dopamine. Some studies suggest 5-HTP, a by-product of tryptophan, may be as effective as antidepressants. Inositol is a naturally occurring substance involved in the production of certain brain chemicals. Tyrosine, a nonessential amino acid synthesized in the body from phenylalanine, is a building block for several important brain chemicals. Tyrosine is needed to make epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine, all of which work to regulate mood. Central nervous system stimulants can be helpful. Some reports indicate that the mineral selenium significantly affects mood.

Dietary fat intake is linked to influencing androgen secretion. To avoid fat gain, a high-fat diet should be kept reasonable while testosterone levels are quite low; such as the period immediately after an AAS cycle has ended. Also, a high-fat diet in combination with insulin resistance and currently low testosterone can counteract any potential benefits. Research indicates that monounsaturated and saturated fat raises testosterone levels, but polyunsaturated fat does not. Moreover, foods high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids are good fat-raising options. The best sources of omega-3s are fatty fish like mackerel, herrings, sardines, tuna, sturgeon and salmon. Various plant foods also provide these fatty acids; such as walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, flax seed oil, and canola oil. Oily fish is a much richer source than plant-based alternatives.

Post-cycle training

Providing time to detrain allows the body to rest and fully recover from a preceding cycle of intense exercise – especially when flirting with signs of overtraining syndrome. Muscular characteristics of detraining in humans, published in the official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, cultivates over 50 studies and over 30 years of research into detraining. When 12 weight lifters stopped training for 14 days, they experienced a modest 6.4 percent decrease in fast-twitch muscle fiber cross-sectional area. Interestingly, increases were observed in plasma concentrations of growth hormone (58.3 percent), testosterone (19.2 percent) and the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio (67.6 percent); cortisol levels decreased by 21.5 percent. The hormone changes would benefit any athlete trying to recover after an AAS cycle.

There seems to be a direct relationship with the type of training used prior to an inactive period. Performance of slow eccentric muscle contractions are essential in promoting greater and more long-lived neural adaptations to training; also known as, muscle memory.

An entire two-week break from training is often too much post cycle. Depending on signs of overtraining syndrome, a three- to seven-day lay off would sufficiently help kick start the gonads. After detraining, an abbreviated training routine, with adequate rest days, should be used from one to four weeks, depending on the AAS cycle – drugs, dose and duration.

The post-cycle maintenance routine should focus on compound free-weight exercises and center on enjoying what has been built thus far – not showing impressive new numbers in a training log. This will help stimulate natural testosterone levels, as well as solidify muscle gains. A 2006 study at the Research and Sport Medicine Center in Spain, compared 11 weeks of failure versus non-failure resistance training on hormonal responses, strength and muscle power gains. Strength gains were strikingly similar, but most importantly for this context: non-failure resistance training resulted in reduced resting cortisol concentrations and an elevation in resting serum total testosterone concentration. Researchers even noted that non-failure training demonstrated a beneficial stimulus for improving strength and power, “especially during the subsequent peaking training period, whereas performing sets to failure resulted in greater gains in local muscular endurance.” Maintenance routines should avoid advanced failure principles; keep it abbreviated and simple. Sets using high repetitions (15 or more) should be avoided since they task the cardiovascular system and are less productive for supporting functional and forceful strength levels. Low repetitions (five or less) should also be discouraged since they heavily task the nervous system. It’s important to enjoy working out during this period – to take pleasure in the gains and simply fight to maintain. It is not feasible to try and grow forever, but rather in spurts.

If done correctly, you can solidify gains post cycle and even continue to make small improvements. The workout journal should document any loss of limit strength. In advanced trainees, strength and muscular power is directly proportional to muscle mass. These little books are so important in gauging progress or digress; to train or go through post-cycle therapy without one is ridiculous. Great battles are not won without a map. Bodybuilding also needs a well-written, thought-out plan.

Effective AAS cycling is not determined by any one phase. Proper attention must be paid pre, during and post cycle. These powerful little hormones play big roles in the human body – influencing growth, metabolism and reproduction. Responsible integration, combined with a well thought out plan, will lead to greater achievements in muscular growth at minimal risk. Long-term sustainment requires persistent and sufficient training and nutritional support over the long haul. Bodybuilding is not a sprint – it’s not even a marathon – it’s supportive education and innovative strategies, combined with regimented application.

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline sele137

  • Ponosni vlasnik
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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa-PCT
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2009, 10:29:17 PM »
How to KEEP GAINS from steroids

This info I have gleaned from self research, trial and error, from my endochrinologist, from SWALE and from training hundreds of clients over the years.

First of all I would like to stress that I and my endochrinologist do not believe one can keep gains above ones natural max, or that level of muscular developement that can be held to without steroids. In other words, I think one will always shrink down to the size that can be held to with ones own T production.

In reality what usually happens is that many(not all) steroid users fall BELOW their natural max within months of discontinuing steroids for one or all of the following reasons......poor HPTA recovery and or lack of knowledge in regard to what makes up proper steroid free training.

If HPTA recovery is not fairly rapid and complete then obviously one risks dropping BELOW ones natural max in time. If one does not know how to train effectively without steroids then one will rapidly overtrain and drop below natural max in time, not to mention the strong possibilty of injury which also will hinder gainskeeping.

You can, however, makes gains well above your natural max while on steroids and then with prudent use of ancillaries, and proper natural training, hold to your natural max well into ones 50's and perhaps early 60's.

As an estimate of natural max.......the average guy of average height( 5"9 or 10" and with average bone structure and genetically typical recuperative abilities (vast majority of men) can usually get to a lean 190-195 with a bench of 275-300, full squat of 375-400 and a deadlift of about 500 pounds without steroids.


Dare I say that HCG use is more important than SERMS(nolva or clomid) for good hpta recovery after a LONG cycle( 12 weeks or longer)
Personally I would use hcg during any cycle 8 weeks or longer...and if you are really paranoid and want the absolute most rapid hpta recovery then use it during any cycle for next to zero testicular shrinkage.

Now you will recover hpta without hcg, and fairly quickly if you truly have not suffered from much testicular atrophy, but not as rapidly as you could and that will cost you at least some gains.

HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone taken from placentas during pregnancy. It limics the action of LH from the pituitary and stimualtes testosterone production in the testes.

It is important to the male bodybuilder in that proper use of this hormone PREVENTS testicular atrophy caused by HPTA shut down from steroid use.

If the testes are shut down they will shrink, it's as simple as that. The degree of shrinkage depends upon the length of time "on" androgens. Some guys literally see their testes atrophy down to raisen size..NO ****. Others see modest shrinkage and a few say they see NO shrinkage. In the latter this is BS and has to due with poor pre-cycle assessmant of testicular size....after all how many of us sit down before a cycle and really feel the true size of our balls.  :lol:

NOTE: all steroids will shut you down 100% and at a very low dose, and that includes Primo and anavar for you sceptics. As little as 100mg a weekof testosterone administered exogenously in the form of injections will shut you down in as little as a few weeks.


It is best to prevent testicular atrophy in the first place rather than trying to bringing the boys back to size after they have already atrophied.
With this in mind prudent use of hcg is DURING a cycle.

HCG can be taken either IM or sub Q in the fat and yes you can mix it with your oils.

Take it at 500iu's every 3rd or 4th day while on cycle.

Some use it post cycle at higher doses after their testes have already shrunk. This method works but I do not believe that it is the best way to use HCG. In this method one injects a high dose of hcg right near the end ofa cycle but before clomid. The opening dose is often 3000iu's followed sometimes by another 3000 4 days latter and then 1500iu's every 4th or 5th day and then the last shot is usually only 1000iu's....total time three weeks.
No use taking clomid or nolav with the HCG since HCG will supress the hpta all by itself via the testosterone production it stimulates.

WARNING.....if you use hcg at a high dose for too long you might desensitize the testes to LH so don't get carried away with it.

SERMS clomid and nolva

After any cycle a SERM should be used, either clomid or nolva.

SERMS help to "kickstart" a sleepy hpyothalmic GnRH response.

GnRH is pretty quick to recover but SERMS help the hypothalamus to "turn the key" on the GnRH impulse generating engine.

SERMS block the affect of estrogen at the hypothalamus and since estrogen is highly inhibitory this blocking affect allows for greater LH production. This "greater LH production" strongly stimulates the testes to produce testosterone.
If you use only gear that does NOT aromatize to estrogen then you don't have to worry about the inhibitory affect of estrogen post cycle(from the steroid)...but SERMs should still be used to counter the inhibitory affect of the estrogen seen form the T production(from the hcg use).....and also from the estrogen production from the aromatization of the T production form your testes after the hcg is stopped.

*Even if you never used HCG you should still use a SERM after a cycle with non aromatizing gear to counter the inhibitory effect of normal estrogen production(from the aromatization of T from your improving T production)

You have to wait until exogenous androgen levels drop to a similar level of what a normal T production would be, in order for this LH stimulating affect from SERMS to work, since androgens are also highly inhibitory on the hypothalamus.

So you must have to have a good grasp on the half lifes of the various gear you use. You also have to be aware of the how the dose taken factors into the equation. ie: test cyp has a half life of around 6 days so with this in mind 500mg of test cyp will reduce to 250 mg in a week and about 125 in another week. That 125mg is about 100mg of pure testosterone(minus ester weight) and you can now begin SERM therapy because that level is near what a normal T output would be(slightly higher though)

NOTE: There is no penalty for starting a SERM too early but there is one for starting too late.

On opening "SERM day", post cycle, you want to do a "loading dose" of about 200-300mg of clomid in divided doses in order to get blood levels up pronto. Then take 50-100mg/day for a week and then 50mg/day for 3 more weeks MINIMUM... and longer after deca use.
Alternatively you can use nolva at 80mg on day one in divided dose and then 40mg /day for a week and then 20mg/day for at least 3 more weeks.

PROPER STEROID FREE TRAINING POST CYCLE.....for the genetically typical(most men)...not easy gainers.

Thanx to all the glossy magazines out there very very few bro's really know how to train for gains without steroids. Dare I say that not a few of you turned to gear simply because you could not make very good gains as a natural.

Thanx JOE WEIDER, and others, for NOT telling the whole story in the glossy mags. THE ROUTINES IN THE MAGS WILL NOT WORK FOR 90% OF ALL MEN UNLESS THEY ARE, #1 ON GEAR AND #2, AT LEAST SOMEWHAT GENETICALLY GIFTED. Guys these pro's are so out of touch with what works for the typical man training naturally that it isn't funny.
These guys are genetic freaks on a ton of gear...like 2-4 grams of test a week, other steroids, growth and slin! Not only that but they don't have jobs outside the gym to drain them either!

Steroids not only help muscle building but more importantly they GREATLY improve recuperative powers.

Most guys continue to train in a very similar fashion while off gear as they did while on gear, especially in regard the number of days in the gym each week, and this is a HUGE ERROR.
Many many guys simply overtrain after they stop the gear and loose huge amounts of muscle and many actually end up below their natural max potential in time. Others do not even bother training at all without juice!

I went to a Dorian Yates seminar a few years ago and he mentioned all this. Dorians recommendations in regards to training without gear where almost identicle to mine. Dorian said that most trainees should train no more frequently than three days a week on a three way split while "off" steroids and that all should use a low volume of sets and work primarily on the big basic compound movements with very hard work. FINIALLY A PRO THAT KNOWS AND TELLS THE TRUTH!

Most men simply cannot recuperate from frequent trips to the gym and even moderately high volume without the assistance of steroids. Most men are genetically typical in the recuperation department....and thats at least 90% of you bro's.

I have good genetics for bodybuilding and I could train in almost any manner while on gear and gain well but even while on gear I choose to train infrequently, every other day on a three way split while "on" and Mon-Wed and FRI on a three way split while "off", and with low volume and very hard work...WHY?...for three reasons....#1. I have other things to do in my busy life and #2. I make even better gains and get even bigger with this style of training...#3. I like it

****SO>>>>>How much more is it important for the typical trainee to train in a similar way without steroids in his system.

GUYS...you don't have to be in the gym 5 and 6 days a week and train with high volume in order to see excellent gains while"on" steroids and in fact most of you would do better training fewer days and with lower volume but with more effort on those sets.
For those that are in the gym 6 days a week and like 10-20 sets per body part and are making good gains then more power to ya...but you just might do better training less frequently and with less volume.
**** I am genetically gifted and I have seen my best gains on gear training every other day on a three way split with low volume and big efforts.
Remember you easy gainers...the pro's are very genetically gifted, on more gear than most of you and don't have jobs or go to school.


5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline sele137

  • Ponosni vlasnik
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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa-PCT
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2009, 10:44:01 PM »
Understanding PCT

PCT, what does it mean?
Post Cycle Therapy.

What does it do?
It returns your Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Testicular, Axis (HPTA) back to producing its own endogenous testosterone production.

How long does it last?
Good question but in my opinion the normal 21 to 30 days protocol is too short unless suppression of the HPTA is minor.

Ok, you produce about 7 mg of testosterone a day or around 49 mg a week on average, some more, some less (usually older guys).
So, you go on a cycle of lets say 500mg of testosterone a week or about 10 times your natural production. The body sees this as too much testosterone and will lower production of testosterone to try to maintain homeostasis (balance). The body loves homeostasis.
Testosterone in a man gets converted into two other hormones; one of those hormones is DHT (dihydrotestosterone) this is done by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductace. DHT is actually about 3-5 times more androgenic than testosterone.
The other hormone it gets converted to is estradiol (E2), this is a strong estrogen but from now on we will just refer to it as estrogen, even though there are 3 different kinds of estrogen. Testosterone gets converted into estrogen by another enzyme called aromatase. The conversion is called aromatization.

Ok, the body will convert more testosterone into estrogen probably to try and maintain homeostasis, so the more test, the more estrogen. For most this estrogen is not a problem. But for some it will be a problem and this extra estrogen can give side effects like gynecomastia (gyno) or water retention, but one big problem is estrogens suppressive effects on Luteinizing Hormone or (LH) LH is what the pituitary gland sends as a chemical hormone to the Leydig cells in the testicles where the testicles will product testosterone. Estrogen is probably 100-200 times as suppressive as testosterone.
So when LH production stops (exogenous testosterone will do this too) the testicles will stop producing and like anything not being used will atrophy.
What does this mean?
You will get some small balls, no kidding mine have been the size of almonds without the shell.

OK, so you come off a cycle, the exogenous testosterone is tapering down and after about a couple of weeks (this is the clearance time for testosterone cypionate and enanthate) you end up with low levels of testosterone as your endogenous production has long been stopped. Now here where the problem starts. You potentially have the testosterone of a woman, and high estrogen from all that aromatization.
This can be a recipe for disaster, why? Because men need test to feel normal and not only that hard earned muscle will be eaten up by being in a catabolic environment, not to mention there is still going to be some suppression because of elevated estrogen.
I have seen big strong men carry on like crying women in this state; it is very bad, sex drive is zero, no energy, emotional, insecure, the list is long.

So, what can you do?
First of all in my opinion bringing the nuts back online is very important, the most important. This is done with the use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
It basically is pregnant woman’s urine. HCG mimics LH and as we learned above that LH is the chemical hormone that stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone. HCG is very strong and many times stronger than the amount of LH that the pituitary puts out.
The typical dose is anywhere around 350iu to as much as 2500iu and even in some cases more but I don’t recommend this. Best advice is to use as little as possible to achieve success at bringing the nuts back to life from their nice little vacation.
The half life of HCG is around 3 days or so, so Subcutaneous (Sub-Q) shots or Intramuscular Shots (IM) are done about Every Other Day (EOD or Every 3 Days (E3D).
If you use too much for too long desentization of the Leydig cells can happen and this is not good.
One other thing is HCG aromatizes pretty heavily. So an anti estrogen is always recommended if you shoot more than 500iu and even that if you are gyno prone would be a good idea to add an anti E.
HCG comes in tow bottles or vials and one is powder and the other is a solvent or bacteriostatic water, the water gets added to the powder and this is called reconstitution. Once HCG is mixed it must be refrigerated. In bacteriostatic water it will last around a month.

Now next we want to block the hypothalamus and pituitary gland from that excess estrogen as that in itself is suppressive.
How is this done? With a drug called Clomiphene citrate (clomid). This is really a drug to help women ovulate but it acts as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM).
It occupy’s the estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary and blocks estrogens exertion on those glands. It’s like putting a key in a lock but not turning the key. It is just occupying that space without really doing anything.
Clomid in my opinion works better than another SERM that many people use called Nolvadex. Both pretty much do the same thing but together I have found to be far superior than using any of them by themselves.
Clomid is used to test the pituitary for secondary hypogonadism, clomid @ 100mg a day after 5 to 7 days will double LH responce and increase FSH by 20% to 50%, that is huge.
Both clomid and nolva are in pill form as well as liquid form.
What these do is block estrogen. The body sees this as it is low in testosterone and estrogens suppressive effects are not there as the receptors are blocked. So it see’s this as low testosterone and low estrogen so the body turns on the hypothalamus to produce Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) which in turn tells the pituitary gland to produce LH and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). FSH is another hormone that stimulates the Sertoli cells in the testicles to produce sperm.

Ok, so lets put this all together.
There are a couple of ways you can do this.
First you can take HCG in small amounts during the cycle to maintain testicular function or you can take it after the cycle is finished to start your PCT.
Either way is fine but if the cycle is very long then long use of HCG can be a problem due to the possibility of desentization of the Leydig cells.
That’s pretty much the last thing you want to do as you want your own LH production to keep the testicles producing test.

So, what you can do is wait about 2 weeks for the testosterone to clear your system or be around base levels of normal producing test and start your HCG, clomid and nolvadex all at the same time.
You don’t have to worry about the aromatization issue because both clomid and nolvadex are anti-estrogens or act as anti-estrogens in the body.
By the way nolvadex is used in estrogen sensitive cancer tissues like in treating breast cancer.

I take clomid at 50mg twice a day (12hrs apart) for 30 days.
I take nolvadex at 20 mg a day for 45 days.
I take anywhere from 1000iu EOD to 2500 EOD for 8 shots (16 days).

So the HCG is taking care of the nuts and taking them off vacation and putting them back to work and the nolvadex and clomid will help the hypothalamus produce GnRH which will tell the pituitary to produce LH and FSH.
Once the testicles are producing test on their own you stop the administration of HCG and let the body take over, kind of like handing a baton when doing a relay race.

Depending on the type of gear, length of time on, amount of gear, all play in this factor of recovery, not to mention the genetic factors involved in shutdown.
I shutdown very hard and I notice atrophy in as little as 3 weeks.

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline CRonaldo

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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa - PCT
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2009, 10:53:56 PM »
Tooooo Sele, svaka cast za tekstove  :clap:  :clap: Sad idu na printanje, lisio si me smaranja u skoli sutra  :lol:
"No man has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training....what a shame it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." Socrates 470-399 B.C.

Offline sele137

  • Ponosni vlasnik
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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa - PCT
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2009, 11:48:15 PM »
Mora da ti je u skoli pravo dosadno kad ces citati ovo  :lol:

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline Pedja Petrovic

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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa - PCT
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2009, 07:09:06 AM »
Mora da ti je u skoli pravo dosadno kad ces citati ovo  :lol:

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
uce deca
trebat ce im kako da sacuvaju misice  :yes: :yes:
jebes sve ono sto si pisao o tome KAKO DA IH DOBIJU tj dzaba truda u u pm-jos malo pa ce PCT da se koristi nakon kure sa whey proteins i creatin,a ako na to se nabaci jos glm i bcaa ihaaaaaa...PCT for 8 wekks  :lol: :lol:
uffff :wallbash1: :wallbash1: :wallbash1:


Good question but in my opinion the normal 21 to 30 days protocol is too short unless suppression of the HPTA is minor.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Offline CRonaldo

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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa - PCT
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2009, 04:53:04 PM »
brateee ja jedva cekam da mi bude gotovo stampanje knjige one Anabolics 2009 :D znaci kad god budem isao negde nosim to sa sobom :D na fax obavezno :D :lol: :lol:

pa taj fazon ;D e koliko ce te izaci to stampanje? ja isto planiram da odstampam tu i jos par knjiga

@milan:  hahahahaha  :lol:

@Lokk:    bash jbt  :) a inace danas pitam profesoricu jel mogu da radim maturski na temu ishrana sportista kaze bilo prosle godine, reko moze onda doping sportista kaze bilo prosle godine, reko moze anatomija misici tako nesto kaze bilo je i to, reko jel moze nesto o hormonima npr o testosteronu kaze bilo je i to, reko jel moze o suplementaciji sportista kaze bilo i to pa hebem ti zivot  :wallbash1: :wallbash1:

uce deca
trebat ce im kako da sacuvaju misice  :yes: :yes:
jebes sve ono sto si pisao o tome KAKO DA IH DOBIJU tj dzaba truda u u pm-jos malo pa ce PCT da se koristi nakon kure sa whey proteins i creatin,a ako na to se nabaci jos glm i bcaa ihaaaaaa...PCT for 8 wekks  :lol: :lol:
uffff :wallbash1: :wallbash1: :wallbash1:

znam da nisi mislio na mene s ovim, ali ja to citam zato sto mi je ta materija jako zanimljiva, kako nase telo funkcionise, da nisam matematicar i informaticar studirao bih medicinu  :lol: hebiga neko cita romane, neko cita o automobilima, neko ovo... i upijam sve sto procitam bas iz tog razloga sto tu materiju obozavam, o nutricionizmu sam bas puno procitao i malo me smorilo pa sam presao na ovaj napredni level :) smatram za obavezu svakog coveka da zna bar osnove kako mu telo funkcionise, jbt ljudi znaju da upravljaju tamo nekim ekstremnim masinama a ne znaju ni ono najosnovnije o svojoj telesnoj masineriji
"No man has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training....what a shame it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." Socrates 470-399 B.C.

Offline sele137

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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa - PCT
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2009, 08:27:41 PM »
PCT and Cycle Recomendations: Estrogen, Progesterone and Cortisol control

SERM's (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) : These block certain estrogen receptors, ***ending on the drug, and dont actually lower estrogen in the blood. Estrogen is left to circulate with nowhere to go. Because of this, SERMS have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. They have a negative effect on IGF-1, so if bulking, only take them if totally necessary. They are good at blocking gyno. Commonly used during PCT, and less often used while cycling. A SERM like nolvadex is widely used in PCT to help kickstart the HPTA back to normal function, in conjunction with other beneficial drugs. To learn how this works, please refer to Anthony Roberts PCT in the PCT section.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) : Nolvadex is a SERM. It selectively binds to certain estrogen receptors, effectively blocking the estrogen and stopping unwanted sides such as gyno. It DOES NOT lower estro levels in the blood, it only blocks it from binding to certain receptors. It also helps your blood fat levels. It does not suppress LH, blocks desired estro receptors and helps stop HCG from desensitizing your testicles to natural LH. Nolva should be used during HCG therapy, at 20 mg a day, for the reason i just mentioned. Can be used during cycle if you see signs of gyno. Its mainly used to block the estrogen spike when you come off cycle, and should be used right through to the end until natural test levels are back. One drawback to consider about Nolva is that it may cause progesterone receptors to become more sensitive. This means that while using progestins such as Deca or Tren, you may become more sensetive to progestin related gyno.

Faslodex (Fulvestrant) : Approved for use in 2002 for breast cancer research, this drug is unlike most we have seen. It is classified as an estrogen receptor downregulator. It prevents estrogen from exerting its influence on the estrogen receptor. Similar to Nolvadex, but is not selective. It hits all estrogen receptors. It also does this to progesterone receptors to a lesser degree. It is injectable, at 250mg a month. No information on how it affects blood lipids. It is also very expensive.

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) : This drug is also a SERM, almost identicle to Nolva. It is said to be a weaker blocker mg for mg than Nolva. Its common use is in PCT, usually for about a month, used after HCG and all AAS esters have run out of your body. Even though it is weaker than Nolva at blocking, it is believed to be quicker at bringing HPTA back to balance. Both are commonly used during PCT. It binds to different receptors than Nolva. There is a lot of debate on this, but until there is solid proof, it may be prudent to include this in your PCT. Commonly taken at about 100mg a day.

Fareston (Toremifene Citrate) : This is a second generation SERM. Approved for use in 1997. Chemically very similar to Nolva and Clomid, it is less powerful mg for mg. Fareston may have a stronger posotive effect on your cholesterol levels. For those who find this an important issue, this is a drug of choice. Used every day at around 60mg.

Evista (raloxifene)
: A newer SERM, Evista is shown to be a blocker in breast tissue, but acts as a receptor agonist in bone tissue (unlike Nolvadex). This action promotes bone density. Taken at about 60mg a day. Evista may prove to be very beneficial, as it also helps cholesterol levels (like Nolvadex). Evista is supposed to have a more powerful gyno blocking effect than Nolvadex.

Cyclofenil : Much like Nolvadex, this is also a SERM. Used at about 600mg a day, it is weaker mg for mg. A good alternative if Nolva is not available, which is usually not the case.

AI's (Aromatase Inhibitors) : There are 2 types of AI's. Type I (suicide inhibitor) attaches to the aromatase enzyme and permanently disables it. Type II compete for the enzyme, but dont destroy it. Both are effective at lowering estrogen substantially. Both are commonly used during both cycling and PCT. Used mainly when low estrogen levels are desired, like contest preparation/cutting. Beware that lowering estrogen with strong AI's can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels and low estrogen levels can lead to sore joints, cause your losing estrogens anti-inflammitory effect. Can also have a negative impact on your libido. Estrogen has an important role in mass building and joint health, as noted below where "estrogen" is explained.

Teslac (Testolactone) : This is a first generation steroidal aromatase inhibitor. Like a suicide, it permanently attaches to the aromatase enzyme. Taked at a maximum of 250mg a day. It is not as strong as the newer AI's, but some people still like to use it. It can lower estrogen about 50%. Streroidal in structure, it has no anabolic effect.

Aromasin (Exemestane) : This drug is classified as a Type I Suicide AI. It binds to the aromatase enzyme and kills it. It is effective at lowering estrogen up to 85%. Once again, you have to watch out for your cholesterol levels. Used mainly for cutting when low estrogen levels are desired. Aromasin is shown to help bone density. Clinical doses are about 25mg a day, but it has been shown that as little as 2.5mg a day can be as effective.

Lentaron (Formestane) : A Type I Suicide AI. Lentaron is not classified as a drug, and can be sold over the counter as a suppliment. Not as strong as the third generation AIs (arimidex, femera). Can lower estrogen by about 60%. Used as an injectable, it is dosed at about 250mg every 2 weeks. Due to poor bioavailability, daily doses of oral Lentaron are about 250mg.

Arimidex (Anastrozole) : This is a widely used type II AI. It competes with estrogen for the aromatase enzyme. This effectively lowers estrogen up to 80% in the blood. Approved for use in 1995 to fight breast cancer. At doses up to 1mg a day, it has been shown to be very effective at controlling estrogen while on cycle or in PCT. It is usefull for curbing the effects that come with aromatizing AAS's while in cycle, and can be used in PCT. Nolvadex is shown to decrease the effectiveness of Arimidex when used together. In this case a suicide inhibitor may be more well suited, like in PCT. It is also called L-dex, in its liquid form.

Femera (Letrozole)
: Letro is a competative Type II AI also. Also farely new compared to other compounds, it is shown to be effective at lowering estrogen by blocking the aromatase enzyme. Doses up to 2.5mg a day are used, but usually as low as .5mg a day can be just as effective. Clinical studies show Femera to lower estrogen by 75-78%, sometimes up to 95%. Once again, watch out for your blood lipids (cholesterol) to get out of whack. There may a noted rebound effect of estrogen levels that goes along with Letro use.

RI's (Reductase Inhibitors) : These drugs stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT wherever 5-alpha reductase enzymes are present. RI's work by blocking the action of the 5-alpha. There are 2 5a's. Type I 5a and Type II 5a. Different RI's block one or both of these 5a's. The main reason someone uses RI's is to stop hairloss. They are common anti hairloss drugs. The problem is, when you block the dht conversion, there are less androgens available and may reduce your gains. Sometimes people report less strength, aggression and drive to train.

Proscar (Finasteride) : This is primarily a Type II 5-alpha blocker. This means that when you are taking a high dose of testosterone, the resulting conversion of test to DHT in certain parts of the body become to high for ones own comfort, mainly hairloss and prostate enlargement. This is where the type II 5a enzymes are mainly found. This will not work against AAS that are already highly androgenic by design, without conversion. AAS like Tren will still exhibit high androgenic properties. Used at doses up to 5mg a day.

Avodart (Dutasteride) : Like Proscar but newer and more effective at blocking the effects of DHT in not only the scalp and prostate (which are Proscar's main strengths) but also in the skin, effectively reducing acne. This is because Avodart will block both Type I and Type II 5-alpha enzymes, covering more of the problem areas due to DHT. Available in .5mg softgels, this is an effective dose. Approved for use in 2002.

Estrogen : The first hormone we need to keep an eye on. Many AAS convert to estrogen via the aromatization process. Some AAS are worse than others. Also, estrogen spikes after a cycle. High levels of estrogen leads to gyno, water retention, fat storage etc. Estrogen plays a key role in progesterone related gyno. We either block its receptors with SERMS or reduce its production with AIs. We watch estrogen levels during a cycle and in PCT. Lowering estrogen too much will mess up your blood lipids. Letting it get out of control will cause sides like gyno, water retention etc. Estrogen plays a role in IGF-1 levels, may lower IGF-1 when blocked with a SERM. Estrogen is also beneficial hormone when bulking, promoting higher androgen receptor concentrations (!). It also is beneficial in another way - its supposed to act as an anti-inflammatory - this means blocking or reducing it too much during a heavy bulking cycle can result in injury to joints. Obviously different estrogen levels are desired for different goals, and it is not always good to block its action or its production. Usually, while bulking, estrogen is allowed to rise unless gyno or water retention (leading to high blood pressure) becomes a problem. When cutting and shedding water and lifting a little lighter (contest prep for example) estrogen is usually dropped with an AI. Proper diet and training can help the bad side effects high estrogen can have.

Progesterone : Its not so much progesterone that we watch, which is actually a healthy hormone, but progestins which may act upon its receptors. Progestins, like Tren or Deca (nor-9's), may act on its receptor or lower progesterone in the blood. Gyno and lactating are more common side effects. Some people use progesterone receptor blockers to combat this, or a prolactin production inhibitor.

Progesterone Control

Lilopristone, Onapristone: These are progesterone blockers also, said to be safer and possibly more effective than RU-486 when it comes to progesterone blocking. They were developed after RU-486 in an attempt to make more effective, less harsh drugs to block progesterone.

Dostinex (Cabergoline), Bromo (Bromocriptine), B-6 : These are used for Deca/Tren gyno sides. This type of gyno is related to progesterone and its receptors. Tren/Deca may act on the progesterone receptor, as they are progestins, and may increase prolactin in the blood (causing lactating). These drugs stop production of prolactin at the pituitary gland. Controlling estrogen levels with an AI also helps here, as progestins themsleves haven't been proven to cause gyno.

RU-486 (Mifepristone - abortion pill) : This drug has the ability to block estrogen, progesterone AND cortisol. It may or may not be very well tolerated, but I would like to find out more about it, as it is used in the bodybuilding world. In PCT it is used to block cortisol and progesterone. A powerful drug that may turn out to be a good choice, but i need more evidence and feedback from experience useing RU-486.

: The third hormone, the stress hormone. When elevated to long, it will store fat. Eat muscle. Cause lethargy. Moodiness. You may crave carbs by the boat load. Cortisol spikes after a cycle because AAS blocks it while on cycle, upping cortisol production and receptor sites. IMO not enough attention is payed to this. It has special functions in the body that are absolutely necessary, like its anti-inflamitory ability. However, when elevated for long periods, it turns into a muscle eating beast. The most important time to watch cortisol is after a cycle, when it spikes. There are a couple ways to help control this, explained below.

Cortisol Control

Cytadren (aminoglutethimide) : This drug has the ability to reduce cortisol at higher doses (1000mg a day), and act as an AI at lower doses (250mg a day). The cortisol effect is shortlived if taken for a number of consecutive days. Can lower estrogen a lot, anbout 90%. The higher dose has a long list of sides. More effective as an AI.

Mirtazapine :This is used to lower cortisol. Even though it may be effective in cortisol control, Johan has pointed out that it may cause some phycological side effects, like making you feel like a zombie. Here is a pubmed abstract for is effects on cortisol levels, among other things.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/...1&dopt=Abstract

Cytodyne (Phosphatidylserine) : This is also used to lower cortisol, but is only effective in lowering about 30%. There are other ingredients in Cytodyne than Phosphatidylserine. Phosphatidylserine is the only real proven ingredient to lower cortisol, or so ive gathered so far. Effective at 800mg a day of PS as an ingredient.

Relacore : This over the counter cocktail of herbs and vitamins and minerals is supposed to reduce the amount of cortisol in your blood. I find it chills me out a little, however i read some places that it may raise estrogen. I used it for a bit, however I dont bother any more.

Vitamin C
: At doses of about 1.5 grams a day, can have a lowering effect on elevated cortisol, not to mention its other healthy effects.

LH Repalacement Therapy - Testosterone Stimulating Drugs

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) : HCG is a replacement for your natural LH (luteinizing hormone). LH is what your body produces to tell your testicles to produce natural testosterone. LH levels drop when using AAS (HPTA suppression). Using HCG while on cycle prevents testicular shrinkage, speeding PCT when the time comes. Using Nolva while using HCG helps stop HCG from de-sensitizing your testicles to natural LH. In my opinion, any decent cycle/PCT should include HCG. It has been suggested to me that HCG can be used throughout a cycle at 500iu E4D, but im unsure of this from practical experience. The most favorable way is to use it in the last couple weeks of your cycle at a higher dose, like 500iu ED. The trick is to end the use of HCG just as the last AAS is running out of your system. So, 3 weeks before the the last ester leaves your blood, you would start the HCG/nolva combo. HCG at about 500iu ED and Nolva 20mg ED. This is done before Nolva/aromasin (for example) PCT starts, and runs about a few weeks longer than the end of the HCG. Always include Nolva with your HCG, they work together well. Be careful not to overdose on HCG and permanently desenstize your testicles to LH. HCG has an active life of about 3 days. Vitamin E is a booster, read the next one :

Vitamin E : As Anthony Roberts pointed out to me, vitamin E increases the response to HCG. This may be useful in making the low doses of HCG we use more effective at growing back shrunken testicles. Doses can be generally 1000iu a day while using HCG.

Fat Burning, Anti-Catabolic

Clen (Clenbuterol) : Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator. Everyone knows clen is used to burn fat. Why am I listing it here in a PCT thread? Well, for its anti-catabolic properties. Clen may lower the effect of AAS while on cycle, so I personally dont use it while cycling. It does, however, have an effect on cortisol levels. While on cycle, cortisol is not to much of a problem if you eat right. AAS use increases cortisol production, and increases receptor sites. This means that when you finish a cycle, cortisol spikes along with estrogen. This is a part of the "crash" that is often overlooked. People have reported that blocking cortisol in PCT speeds along fat loss. Clen is supposed to have a blocking effect on cortisol. So, along side of its ability to burn fat, it is anti catabolic in it ability to block cortisol until desired hormone levels are achieved in PCT. For me, it makes sense to use clen in PCT until desired hormone levels are achieved, as it also burns away fat in the process.


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If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline Pedja Petrovic

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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa - PCT
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2009, 07:14:44 AM »
smatram za obavezu svakog coveka da zna bar osnove kako mu telo funkcionise, jbt ljudi znaju da upravljaju tamo nekim ekstremnim masinama a ne znaju ni ono najosnovnije o svojoj telesnoj masineriji


Offline MuscleFilip

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Odg: Terapija poslije ciklusa - PCT
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2009, 11:41:07 AM »
o nutricionizmu sam bas puno procitao i malo me smorilo pa sam presao na ovaj napredni level :) smatram za obavezu svakog coveka da zna bar osnove kako mu telo funkcionise, jbt ljudi znaju da upravljaju tamo nekim ekstremnim masinama a ne znaju ni ono najosnovnije o svojoj telesnoj masineriji

evo ti endokrinologija, ima koju hiljadu stranica: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=endocrin
evo ti i malo o mastima, samo 1100 stranica: Handbook of obesity: etiology and pathophysiology