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Offline CHUBBY

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« on: June 18, 2007, 02:07:55 PM »
Ovo je hard core.

We don't try to fail you, we try to kill you.

To be considered for selection, you must have at least three months experience in your regiment and at least three years left to serve. You must also be able to pass the Battle Fitness Test (BFT). You must file a Defense Council Instruction (DCI) which certifies that you are prepared to be put forward for arduous duties.

There are two selections a year, one in winter and the other in summer. The general idea is that you either suffer from hypothermia in winter, or suffer from heatstroke in summer. It lasts four weeks (three build-up weeks, one test week). Officers, however, have only two build-up weeks in order to pass the test week.

The recruits first go to Stirling Lines, outside Hereford, to have a medical and pass the BFT. 10% fail here. The rest are issued the equipment that they need for selection. Then they are bussed out to Dering Lines in Beacon where selection will start.

Selection is simple. Get from A to B, from B to C etc, within an allotted time. Sounds simple? It is. The only problem is that A to Z in total is over 10km away. 10km isn't a long distance, but it is when you are carrying a heavy self-loading rifle, webbing, and a Bergen (a standard issue British Army rucksack). Another problem is that the distances the soldier covers increase each day, as do the loads that they bear. Soldiers get up about 4am every morning and are not allowed to use roads. If they do, then they are disqualified. The most difficult part of selection is the Brecon Beacons - anybody who has walked them, will know exactly just how physically exhausting they are.

After a day or so, the old equipment you have been given is starting to cut into you, giving crippling blisters and sores. The best soldiers don't give up because of this - they go to the Medical Officer at night, and then get up with the rest of the recruits, ready for another day's hell the following morning. In selection, you are expected to be fit, but you've also got to be intelligent. Numbed by pain, you'll be given tasks to do at rendezvous points (RVs), such as stripping a foreign weapon and then reassembling it.

This continues for three weeks, with the recruits managing about four hours' sleep a night. The next part of selection is imaginatively called 'Test Week'.

Test Week

Test week consists basically of six marches, the first five being 17 miles long requiring the soldier to march with a 30k pack on his back while map reading. However, that's not all. Test week culminates in the 'Long Drag'; a 40-mile march which has to be completed in 20 hours.

Selection is carried out alone. There is nobody in selection shouting encouragement - it's just you trying to motivate yourself. This isn't like other forces which have instructors shouting at you to do better, or mates encouraging not to drop out. The only person forcing you to go through hell is you. This is because soldiers working in isolation must have absolute motivation and must not crack up. A good example of this is Chris Ryan's 300km Trek to safety in Iraq, which, for the most part, was done solo.

You ask yourself, why is selection mostly about hill walking and map reading? Well since the SAS' conception, they were deemed to be a strategic resource, not just kick-ass tactical soldiers. Nowadays, in major conflicts, the SAS is mostly tasked with long range reconnaissance, which selection tries to recreate.


Jungle training is carried out immediately after selection. It lasts four weeks and is very physically demanding. Carrying enough to sustain you for 14 days in the jungle in hot, humid conditions is no picnic. You'll be wet all the time, even out of the water, due to sweating continuously. An SAS soldier will receive all the knowledge he needs to fight in the jungle, and this training is so good, that not one SAS patrol to date has ever been killed in this kind of tropical environment.

Everyone receives comprehensive first aid training and most are very skilled, especially the patrol medics. Medics are usually skilled in most parts of the medical field. Why, you ask? Well, it's not just for treating SAS members - trauma training and basic hygiene would be the only requirements for that. However, being a comprehensive medic is an important part of the overall 'Hearts and Minds'(H&M) ethic which the SAS endeavours to promote all over the world. This helps prevent Vietnam- and Afghanistan-type fiascos since the local populous will more be inclined to view these 'foreign soldiers' as friends, people that can protect them.

Escape and Evasion (E&E) and resistance to interrogation is another subject area which a soldier will have to pass. Avoiding capture by swarms of soldiers while surviving off the land for seven days is bad enough; having to fulfil RVs as well is worse still. If you get captured, then you will be interrogated, and if you break, you fail. All soldiers end up being captured.

The final stage is parachute training, which is a holiday for most of the SAS recruits, but you must pass it, or you will fail. It means making eight jumps, in full kit, and one at night. Some fail here, but most pass.

Those who survive the selection and training are badged and are now SAS soldiers. It takes this much to be the best in the world. And it takes much more to remain the best.

It is worth bearing in mind that SAS selection has ruined many a good man's career - broken ankles, crippled knees and other such injuries having pensioned a lot of them out of the Armed Forces for good. The Territorial Army SAS Regiments (21 and 23) undergo the same selection, but due to the part-time nature of the Territorials, the selection process is stretched over a period of one year.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2007, 11:37:30 PM by Bildek-21 »

Offline Bildek-21

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« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 11:35:50 PM »

Hardcore je biti pobjednik. Sampion. Ratnik. Zivotinja. Nije bitno koju rijec koristis, jer kada dodje do toga, moras biti spreman da zrtvujes apsolutno sve da bi osvojio veliku nagradu, Overall titulu na prestiznom takmicenju.
Hardcore je kada si spreman da podignes jebeni kredit da bi podrzao svoje pripreme, nesto sto su mnogi vec i uradili, kako na pro tako i na amaterskom nivou. Hardcore je raditi posao od 9 do 5 sa svim sranjima koja ga prate, i pri tom sacuvati bolji dio sebe kako bi mogao odraditi nakon toga jos jedan sat u teretani. Hardcore je sici do Joe-a i unijeti hranu koja ce ti pomoci da se napunis kako bi odradio noge...

Hardcore je...

Hardcore je setati okolo sa tamnom masnicom na vratu, znak koji dobijas kada stavljas sipku od cucnjeva na vrhu svojih trapeza. To je pocast. Hardcore je napraviti plan, i fokusirati se na nagradu 18 nedjelja prije. Hardcore je probuditi se, ustati ujutro iz kreveta iako ne postoji misic na tijelu koji nije uzasno bolan, da bi odmah poceo unositi hranu, za koju znas da ce uciniti samo da ti se jos vise smuci. Jesti sranja poput zobene kase, pilecih prsa, pirinca, i naravno mojih uvijek "omiljenih" kuvanih bjelanaca. Unositi tu hranu dan za danom, nedjeljama, sa vrlo malim promjenama.... to je pravi odgovor na to koliko ti ta nagrada u stvari znaci.

Hardcore je nesto tako duboko i snazno sto te motivise da odvezes svoje dupe u teretanu i da odtreniras ledja, nakon dana u kojem si razbio noge. Govorim o osjecaju koje imas kada pozelis da si debela vreca sala, kao svi ostali na svijetu, ili neko ko je zadovoljan sa tim da ispija pivo, citavog dana, svakog dana. Ali ne i ti. Ti razmisljas o onom tipu u Jerseyu koji svoj posao obavlja dva puta dnevno, ili o onome u L.A.-u koji se razbija i sprema za isto takmicenje. Hardcore je u jednom trenutku promjeniti smjer na pola puta i fokusirati se na male partije koje moras srediti kako bi spremio svoje tijelo za pobjedu.

Hardcore je dovesti svoje dupe u teretanu i imati cvrstinu da zavrsis trening sa ubitacnim vucenjem u zadnjem ponavljanju posljednje serije deadliftova, i osjecati se kao slomljena vreca citave noci zbog toga.
Hardcore je truditi se da izgledas kao obicni posjetilac dok si na bini, iako unutra goris kao da si u paklu. Hardcore je moc da sve te emocije zadrzis i fokusiras se na posao koji je pred tobom: Pobjediti na prokletom takmicenju.

Hardcore je biti sposoban da sve zadrzis zajedno prilikom komparacija u svojoj klasi... biti sposoban da jos jednom stisnes svoje butine i pokazes svima tu ludacku separaciju u njima...da zadrzis najmisicaviju dok ti trepeziusi ne otkinu vrat.

Hardcore je kada se vratis u teretanu u ponedjeljak, dan nakon sto si osvojio titulu. I sve o cemu mozes razmisljati je kako ces ih tek sve iznenaditi narednog puta. Nisi nasao pravo mjesto gdje da spustis svoju opremu, a vec preracunavas dijetu koja ce ti nabaciti novu masu. To nije hardcore, to je jebeno ludo, brate. Iako je dobro pokazati trofej, brines se o toj slaboj tacki na koju su ti sudije ukazale.
Vec si poceo da planiras svoj sljedeci korak. Moras da nabacis vise misica ovdje, jos malo separacije tamo. Fokusiras se na to koliko brzo mozes nabaciti nove misice kako bi se popeo uz bodybuilding ljestvicu. Ovo je zivot hardcore bodybuildera. To je zivot koji moras svojevoljno izabrati. To je moj zivot.

Preuzeto s extreme foruma

Offline H2SO4

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Odg: SAS
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 10:05:27 PM »
price za malu djecu.ma ti sasovci su jedne obicne pichkice.

WHAT IS HARDCORE? Hardcore je "udri brate ne zali granate"!
Toby Wong. Toby Wong? Toby Wong. Toby Chung? Fucking Charlie Chan.

Offline MilosM

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Odg: SAS
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2007, 10:11:32 PM »
Ili u narodu poznatije, UDRI SMILJU PO FITILJU...
Have you ever been alone at night,
Thought you heard footsteps behind,
And turned around and no-one's there ?
And as you quicken up your pace,
You find it hard to look again,
Because you're sure there's someone there!

Offline D-man

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Odg: SAS
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2007, 11:30:35 PM »

SAS jeste elita,ali u 30-oj sut karta,pa radi kao tijelohranitelj ili obezbijedjenje...
Ako imaju srece rade kao savjetnici ili instruktori(uglavnom oficiri i podoficiri)...
Paradoksalno je da su njihove vijestine bezvrijedne u civilstvu...
Puno muke ni za sta...

Treninzi im jesu rigorozni,ali ko ostane taj je mraka.
Kod njih na obuci je zabranjeno medjusobno motivisanje,svako mora sam sebe da motivise da bi prosao...

Lik je u Iraku prepjesacio 300km kroz pustinju sam,da bi se dokopao bezbijedne teritorije... :crazy:

Tamo nema "velikih misica",sama zila. :evillaugh:
Od kolijevke pa do groba najljepše je kameno doba!