Author Topic: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike  (Read 51823 times)

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Offline sele137

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Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« on: July 12, 2007, 11:40:23 PM »
Ova tema ukljucuje osnovne informacije i namjenjena je pocetnicima koji neznaju puno o AAS (anabolicko androgeni steroidi) i/ili koji se tek odlucuju da se bocnu.Trebate imati na umu da cesto nema pravog odgovora kad je u pitanju diskusija o koristenju AAS jer ima bezbroj mogucih kombinacija i teorija, a i svako tijelo moze drugacije reagovati na iste stvari.

Sta su steroidi?
Testosteron je primarni muski seksualni hormon koji nase tijelo prirodno proizvodi.Steroidi su sinteticke forme testosterona ili njegovi derivati. Muskarci proizvode otprilike 6-10 mg dnevno.

Imam li dovoljno godina za steroide?
Da ako ste preko 21 godine.Vas endokrini sistem je u najvitalnijem stanju ispod 21 godine i to bih trebalo da vam obezbjedi sasvim dovoljno prirodnog testosterona.
Naravno postoje i drugi faktori koji se trebaju uzeti u obzir kao sto je iskustvo s treningom.Naprimjer ne bih bilo mudro za nekoga ko ima 25 godina i samo par mjeseci treninga da pocne sa steroidima.Znaci vrlo je bitno da dostignete svoj prirodni maximum i tek se onda odlucite za AAS,a za to nekad treba i par godina.VELIKA GRESKA JE ODMAH POCETI SA AAS .

Oralni i injektivni
Vecina oralnih steroida su toksicni za jetru. Kako tablete prolaze kroz tijelo putuj kroz gastrointestinalni trakt, onda do jetre koja ima misiju da je unisti i sprijeci da udje u krv.
Zbog toga su naucnici zamjenili atom hidrogena sa atomom karbona na 17 poziciji steroidne molekule sto je dozvolilo tableti da najvecim dijelom prezivi prolaz kroz jetru. Ovaj proces se naziva 17-alfa alkalacija.
Iako je ova alkalacija pozeljna po pitanju biodostupnosti oralnih steroida ona stavlja veliki stres na jetru.

Injektivni steroidi nisu za intravenoznu (u venu) upotrebu.Ako ovo uradite rizikujete ozbiljne povrede ili smrt.Injektivni steroidi moraju biti aplicirani intramuskularno (duboko u misic).
Postoje dva tipa injektivnih steroida vodeni ili uljani.Vodeni se metaboliziraju brzo i zahtjevaju cestu primjenu (uglavnom dnevno).Steroidi bazirani na ulju se puno sporije otpustaju u krv i generalno zahtjevaju aplikaciju jednom ili dvaput sedmicno.

Gdje da injektiram?
Najbolje mjesto za aplikaciju injektivni steroida je gluteus,a drugo alternativno mjesto je vanjski dio bedra.Sterilnost je stvar na koju trebate obratiti najvise paznje jer nuspojave mogu ici od abcesa do smrti
Slika vrijedi hiljadu rijeci!!!
I koji video:

Sta je ester?
Kad se kaze steroidni ester misli se na lanac karbona prikacen na steroidnu molekulu na 17 poziciji.Sto je duzi lanac vise treba vremena da se steroid otpusti u krv.Na primjer testosteron propionat ima relativno kratak lanac estera koji ga cini brzo djelujucim i zahtjeva cesce apliciranje u odnosu na one sa duzim lancem estera npr. enanthat, cypionat.

Sta da uzimam?
Primjer pocetnickog ciklusa bih mogao biti...8 sedmica, 500mg testosterona sedmicno uz dianabol 25mg dnevno prve cetiri sedmice ciklusa.Testosteron je bolje podijeliti na dvije inekcije zbog ravnomjernije koncentracije u krvi.Dianabol mozete uzimati sa obrokom da izbjegnete moguce stomacne tegobe.

Koliko cu dobiti misica?
Skoro je nemoguce da se odgovori zato sto je svako tijelo drugacije i postoji mnostvo varijabli koji ce uticati na to kao sto su:
Tip steroida i kolicina steroida
Duzina ciklusa
Iskustvo sa steroidima (koji vam je ciklus po redu)
Trening,djeta i odmor

Sta je frontloading?
Frontloading se koristi da se zeljena koncentracija steroida u krvi postigne sto prije sto nije slucaj sa konvencionalnim ciklusima.Frontload se naravno koristi samo sa dugodjelujucim steroidima kao sto su enanthat, cypionat...

Primjer obicnog ciklusa 500mg testosteron enanthata sedmicno,kolicina steroida u krvi:
Sedmica 1 – 250mg
Sedmica 2 – 375mg
Sedmica 3 – 437.5mg
Sedmica 4– 469.2mg
Sedmica 5 – 485mg
Sedmica 6 – 492.9mg
Sedmica 7 – 496.8mg
Sedmica 8 – 498.7mg
Vidite koliko vam dugo treba da ustvari postignete 500 mg sedmicno.

A sad frontload!!!Jednostavno poduplate vasu sedmicnu dozu.
To izgleda ovako:
Sedmica 1 – 1000mg
Sedmica 2 – 500mg
Sedmica 3 – 500mg
I nastavite dalje sa 500mg/sedmicno

Druga opcija je oralni „kickstart“ sto podrazumjeva uzimanje oralnih steroida u prve cetiri sedmice ciklusa dok vas injektivni steroid ne dodje do svog maksimuma.Naprimjer 30 mg dianabola dnevno.

Sta su antiestrogeni?
Odredeni steroidi aromatiziraju u estrogen koji moze dovesti do brojnih nezeljenih efekata.Estrogen je hormon koji je dominirajuci zenski hormon.Tako sto ce te koristiti antiestrogene smanjit ce te sanse da osjetite estrogenske nezeljene efekte kao sto je retencija vode i ginekomastija. Proviron i Arimidex pokusavaju da zaustave sam proces aromatizacije dok nolvadex samo okupira estrogenske receptore.

Izbor antiestrogena zavisi od mnogo faktora ukljucujuci:
Vrsta steroida
Doza i duzina ciklusa
Podloznost nezeljenim efektima
Koliko su nezeljeni efekti prihvatljivi za korisnika (nekom nesmetaju akne,neko vec nema kose i sl.)

Sta je ginekomastija?
Ginekomastija je rast tkiva grudi kod muskarca uzrokovan estrogenom. Ginekomastija je povecanje muskih grudi koje se sastoje od pravog tkiva grudi, a ne masnog tkiva te se stoga na moze smanjiti vjezbanjem. Natecene i bolne bradavice su uobicajno prvi znakovi ginekomastije.Ginekomastija se najcesce u nasem bilderskom svijetu zove 'bitch tits'. Uspostavljena ginekomastija zahtjeva hirursku korekciju.

Sta je PCT?
PCT znaci Post Cycle Therapy ili terapija poslije ciklusa i to je ono sto radite poslije zavrsetka ciklusa da povratite prirodnu proizvodnju testosterona.PCT je esencijalan ako zelite da zadrzite sto vise misica stecenih na ciklusu.Nolvadex, Klomid i ponekad HCG su lijekovi koji se koriste za PCT.Ovo zadnje se koristi najcesce ako dodje do atrofije testisa,a to se uglavnom desava kad ste predugo na „preteskim“ ciklusima.

Trebate znati da kad zavrsite sa PCT-om neznaci da ste zavrsili sa oporavkom.PCT se koristi samo da svoje tijelo pokrenete na akciju dok sam oporavak moze trajati sedmicama ili mjesecima.

What is the difference between a cc, a ml, an I.U., a mg and a mcg?

A cc (cubic centimeter) is equal to a ml (milliliter). They measure volume. For example if a vial contains 10 ml of liquid, that is the same as 10 ccs. A mg (milligram) measures the dose of a drug, A mg is equal to 1/1000 of a gram. A mcg (microgram) is equal to 1/1000 of milligram. An IU (International Unit) is also used to measure the dose of a preparation.

Can I mix together deca durabolin, sustanon, primobolan, enanthate or cypionate together and than inject them?

You can mix all oil based steroids in syringe and inject them if you are taking higher dosages at once.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 10:06:59 PM by sele137 »

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline sele137

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Odg: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2007, 10:21:42 PM »
Cycle Planner
Vrlo koristan program za pocetnike i naprednije!!!

 :link: http://rapidshare.com/files/66350943/cycle_planner_3-7.zip

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline sele137

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Odg: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2007, 10:42:08 PM »
Ovo moze biti od pomoci onima koji vole da znaju tacnu kolicinu hormona u 100mg umjesto racunanja i estera.

Brojke dole su prosjecna kolicna steroida na 100mg.

Boldenon acetat: 83mg
Boldenon Propionat: 80mg
Boldenon Cypionat: 69mg
Boldenon Undecylenat: 61mg

Drostanolon Propionat: 80mg
Drostanolon Enanthat: 71mg

Methenolon Acetat: 82mg
Methenolon Enanthat: 71mg

Nandrolon Cypionat: 69mg
Nandrolon Phenylpropionat: 63mg
Nandrolon Decanoat: 62mg
Nandrolon Undecylenat: 60mg
Nandrolon Laurat: 56mg

Stenbolon Acetat: 84mg

Testosteron Acetat: 83mg
Testosteron Propionat: 80mg
Testosteron Isocaproat: 72mg
Testosteron Enanthat: 70mg
Testosteron Cypionat: 69mg
Testosteron Phenylpropionat: 66mg
Testosteron Decanoat: 62mg
Testosteron Undecanoat: 61mg

Trenbolon Acetat: 83mg
Trenbolon Enanthat: 68mg
Trenbolon Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonat: 65mg
Trenbolon cyclohexylmethylcarbonat: 65mg

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline sele137

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Odg: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2007, 11:40:33 PM »
Vrijeme detekcije steroida


5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline vuksa

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Odg: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2007, 11:51:53 PM »
extra odredjeno :clap:

imam samo jedno pitanje...zasto d-bol koji se daje intramuskularno ostaje duze od oralnog?
al se nekad dobro jelo

Offline sele137

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Odg: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2007, 12:01:43 AM »
Zbog estera slicno kao razlika izmedu nandrolon decanoata i nandrolon phenilpropionata.Buduci da dinabol ima kratak poluzivot za injekciju dodani su mu esteri i djelimicno odatle i dolazi duze vrijeme detekcije.

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline sele137

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Odg: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2007, 12:04:19 AM »

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.

Offline just_in_time

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Odg: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2008, 03:04:19 PM »
ovo je savršeno urađeno... nego jedino što bi imao da priupitam koliku dužinu igle treba upotrjebiti dali je tu neki standard ili zavisi od mastnih zaliha itd.

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Odg: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2008, 05:25:28 PM »
dobra tema... :yes:

Offline sele137

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Odg: Steroid FAQ za pocetnike
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2008, 06:06:06 PM »
ovo je savrseno uradjeno... nego jedino sto bi imao da priupitam koliku duzinu igle treba upotrjebiti dali je tu neki standard ili zavisi od mastnih zaliha itd.

Koriste se igle 22 do 25G.
Normalno ako ces se bosti u recimo biceps (STO TI NEPREPORUCUJEM) koristices najmanju a ako ces u gluteus onda najvecu.
Uglavnom poenta je da se steroid aplicira duboko u misic inace imas problema.

5$ Discount Code:4089008

If I had it to do all over again, the only injectable I would ever use is Testosterone. I wouldn't waste one shot on anything else!!!


The pros are using good old-fashioned Testosterone, Deca, Dianabol, insulin in the off-season, and GH pre-contest. Nothing fancy. But they're the pros because they're gifted, dedicated, and have been at it a long freaking time. Anybody that tells you different is either full of shit or trying to sell you garbage.

My goals are very simple:

1. Break The Law
2. Look Good Naked

Steroids will cause your kidneys to explode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon.

The most obvious symptom is death which would hardly be missed by even the most focused and intensive bodybuilder.